Kerala State Co-operative Union Recrutment -

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Kerala State Co-operative Union Recrutment

STATE CO-OPERATIVE UNION, KERALA, established by Government of Kerala, as per section 89 of Kerala Co-operative Societies Act 1969, came into existence in 1970. STATE CO-OPERATIVE UNION presently focuses on providing Co-operative Education, Co-operative Training, Assisting Co-operative Organisations in its growth and to carry out Co-operative propaganda. The cooperative movement in the erstwhile Travancore and Cochin states which are the parts in the prsent state of Kerala, originated as a result of initiative taken by Sir.P.Rajagopalachari, the then Diwaan of the pricely state of Travancore.According to his direction and suggestions a model bill was introduced before the legslative couciland the first cooperative societies act was passed on 3.3.1914.Kerala State Cooperative Union invite the application for 10 Sahayak/Watchman vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates can apply offline on or before 15th July 2021.
Points to Remember
Notification Date: 20th June 2021
Last date to Submit offline Application: 15th July 2021
Kerala State Cooperative Union proposes to receive the application in Offline mode only.
Kerala State Cooperative Union
Last Date
15th July 2021
8th Class
Age Limit
18-40 years 
Application Fee
General- Rs.300/-
SC/ST- Rs.100/-
How to Apply
Eligible candidates can apply with copies to prove educational qualification, age, and reservation. The official notification is below from 20th June 2021.
Kerala State Co-Operative Union, Sahakarana Bhavan, Oottukuzhi, P.B.No: 108, Thiruvananthapuram-695001, Kerala. Phone:0471-2320420
Official website
official notification

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